The main component of all products made by the WEGENER_GROUP is paper - a natural product. We are well aware of our considerable responsibility towards our environment and act accordingly.
Although the certified environmental management under DIN EN ISO 14001 has become a matter of routine for us, the continuous improvement of cutting edge technology, taking ecological aspects into consideration, has remained a permanent incentive and commitment, also to the benefit of our customers and employees.
Motivation and dedication are the two factors which ensure that within the WEGENER_GROUP quantity and quality are not contradictory. State-of-the-art technology ensures the daily production of many millions of envelopes for automatic mail processing.
Exact, systematic quality management and the sense of responsibility felt by each member of staff guarantees the best products for our customers, certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000. This certification has been attained since 1994, as the first European company in our industry.
The companies belonging to the WEGENER_GROUP see their employees as their most important capital and have created a unique corporate culture based on this basic concept. In addition, over 90 percent of staff in the WEGENER_GROUP's German plants have taken up the offer of being silent shareholders and are co-entrepreneurs in this respect.
This provides additional motivation and commitment and ensures the future stability and commercial success of the WEGENER_GROUP.